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Thousands of people have signed a petition to stop a new bus road being built across the West Fields of Cambridge. The green finger from Coton to King's College is critical for the setting of Cambridge and brings biodiversity into the city. Our ecology survey has confirmed that the West Fields is home to many protected species and rare birds. The 'West Fields' of Cambridge occupy a large open area of farmland between the back of Grange Road houses and the M11, stretching down to Gough Way and Barton Road on the South side. These fields are critical for the Green Belt, and integral to the unique setting of historic Cambridge as a ‘compact city' with 'green corridors' from the countryside into the heart of the city. Fields such as Coe Fen and the West Fields, still used by cows or for growing crops, are an essential part of Cambridge's rural character, and link the University of Cambridge with its medieval past. Historically the West Fields were once part of Grantchester Parish and form part of the same special landscape as Grantchester Meadows. Any urbanisation of them directly impacts the experience of Grantchester and the River. Bringing countryside to within one kilometre of King's College Chapel, the West Fields are 'Cambridge's most neglected monument' (CP Hall, in The West Fields of Cambridge). Threat-- The landowners (mainly Colleges) are arguing for large-scale development over the fields as a site that could accommodate thousands of new houses, which goes against protections provided in the Local Plan; -- A two-way bus road cutting right through the heart of the West Fields, devastating this precious landscape and making housing development much easier, is an option (option Area 1 South) now being considered in a public consultation; -- The proposed massive densification of the adjoining 165-acre, University-owned West Cambridge Site, another huge science park similar in scale to that of the new 140-acre Cambridge Biomedical Campus on the city’s Southern approaches, may also damage views of the West Fields. We want the County Council and the City Deal Executive to look at wider issues of transport, congestion and private-car use, and come up with more imaginative and forward-looking proposals that will support the Local Plan (which was signed off after a three-year process of democratic consultation across the city), and not to cut a damaging bus road, or allow any building at all, over the West Fields. We accept that ensuring a sustainable transport solution is fundamental for the city to deliver the Local Plan's proposed growth, and therefore it is vital that a bus route from Cambourne be established as part of this. However, option Area 1 South (the route across the West Fields) should not be considered when other less damaging routes are available. Please join us by writing to your MP, your councillors and by signing our petition to preserve the West Fields as they are, free from the urbanisation of roads and housing. With your help, we may be able to influence the decision and save the historic fields for future generations. If you click on the boxes on the information page of this website you will find further detail.

Cambridge News 11/08/2015
Cambridge News 08/09/2015
Cambridge News 24/08/2015
Cambridge News 07/06/2015
Cambridge News 09/08/2015
Cambridge News 10/10/2015
Cambridge Edition

© 2015CGC Save the West Fields

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